The Orme School Fine Arts Festival is a unique and storied tradition dating back to 1968. In my time working at the school, designing the T-shirt artwork for the ensuing years FAF has been a true highlight. Using the skills and ideas of students, sketches are drawn, refined and selected to be worked with in Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop. Students take a crack and polishing the designs themselves, and I present tutorials to bring each design to professional quality. Finally the designs are voted upon by the greater community and we have our T-Shirt up for sale shortly there after.
2022: After a makeshift FAF circa 2021 following the COVID 19 pandemic, The Orme School was excited to welcome back a group of professional artists to teach their workshops to the students, making the tagline "Freedom through Art" especially fitting for this years FAF. Roses, cherubs, and cacti form an ornate frame that encases two doves escaping their cages and flying toward each other and into the sky. This symbolism of freedom is understated and came together in a stylish and popular FAF T-shirt.